First let me say thank you to anyone and everyone who has ever taken a class with me. I consider it an honor that anyone trusts me with something as valuable as their own education, and I take seriously the responsibility that comes with that trust. I’m happy to be able to share with you the things that I’ve learned over the years. I hope that one day you’ll find yourself avoiding a sticky situation because of something that you learned at one of my classes!

We’ve had a few weeks of live streaming Zoom CE classes, and from all indications, it looked like everything was going good. But, behind the scenes, it wasn’t. There were a lot of people who were not able to join the classes. The software that I’ve been using to email confirmations has not been working as intended, and some people haven’t been getting instructions on how to log in. This has led to me trying to grab everyone’s email address and send out notices myself, but the way I set things up initially was not optimal, and I was having a hard time getting the data I needed to send the emails that I shouldn’t have had to send in the first place…
Going through this experience has caused me to think back on all the things I tried as a new home inspector, most of which blew up in my face. Almost every new marketing scheme, each new service I paid for, every different software, method, or technique I tried eventually led to me going back to the drawing board in the hopes of getting things right.
And that what I’m doing again.
Right now I’m trying something new, looking for the right combination of software and apps that make it seamless for someone to register for a CE class and get the info they need to be able to log in for the session. I’m looking for something that’s going to give me the ability to schedule classes while also giving me the information I need to remain compliant with the rules of the LSBHI. I’m looking for something that allows me to sell seats to the classes while also allowing me to limit the number of seats sold (to again comply with the LSBHI.) And I’m looking for this to be an all-in-one solution, and not break the bank.
Is that too much to ask for?
So, please bear with me while I get this thing figured out. I want to make sure that I’m delivering the best product for you, that simple and easy to use (for both of us.) I will let you know (through Morgan’s emails) as soon as I’ve got the next class scheduled.
Thanks again, and please reach out if there’s anything I can help with or an idea you’d like to see covered in an upcoming class.
Check out this article on how we should be “hiring and firing” our agents.
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Thanks, Joe