Isn’t That the Point?

Nobody said it was easy.

Coldplay, The Scientist

Wouldn’t our lives be so much simpler if everything was easy?

No more difficulty.

No more pondering.

No more sleepless nights lying awake, thinking about all the things on our plate.

No more agonizing choices; no more hard decisions.

Everything, just easy.

Want to take the day off? No problem.

Need to withdraw money from an empty bank account? We’ve got you covered.

Looking to make all those relationship issues disappear in an instant? Nothing to it.

Everything, just easy.

snapping your fingers and making everything easy for your home inspection business

‘Just easy’ sounds wonderful, but it really doesn’t exist. In fact, it’s probably best that it doesn’t.

Why? Because difficulty adds meaning. The main reason that some things are valued more than others is that they’re more difficult to obtain. Things that are easy to get tend to hold little value. A college degree is valuable because it’s hard work to graduate. If everyone was given a graduate degree the day they turned 21, then having a degree would be worthless. It’s the scarcity of something that increases its value.

We should celebrate the fact that things aren’t easy, as it gives us a chance to rise above the crowd. It’s a good thing that it’s hard to become a professional home inspector, otherwise everyone would be doing it. Hell, in some markets, it already seems like everyone is a home inspector! Can you imagine the competition we’d have if there were no standards to meet to work in this industry? (And yes, I know that some areas don’t require licensing for someone to operate as an inspector, but even in those areas you need to have obtained the requisite knowledge to successfully run an inspection business.)

The obstacles we encounter in our careers, and in our lives, serve a purpose. They help separate those who are willing to go the extra mile from those who aren’t. Those barriers act as gatekeepers, ensuring that only the most persistent make it to the top.

It only stops you if you let it

We shouldn’t be frustrated by the hurdles we need to clear before we can reach our goals, we should celebrate them! Every challenge we face is an opportunity to set ourselves apart from the masses. If everything were easy, there’d be no sense of achievement, no reason to be proud of our success. The challenges are what allow us to grow, learn, and achieve things that matter most in our lives.

We’re confronted with choices every day, constantly working around the obstacles thrown in our path. Everything we do, every hour of the day, involves choices.

We’re constantly bombarded by decisions.

Sure, some of them are much less taxing than others, like deciding what to have for breakfast, but they’re always there, lurking, hanging around, just waiting for us to decide what we’re going to do. Each choice we make guides us through the obstacles life throws in our way. And while it may feel like the barrage of choices can be overwhelming, mastering the art of decision-making is what brings us closer to an easier, more fulfilling life. The more skilled we become at making the right decisions, the smoother our path becomes.

confused about our choices as a home inspector

That being said, life will never be completely easy. And that’s okay. It’s up to us to avoid making things unnecessarily harder on ourselves. Embracing challenge is crucial, but we also need to learn how to navigate those challenges wisely – knowing when to deal with a difficult problem head-on and when to walk away.

So, instead of wishing for an easy life, we should learn to appreciate the difficult one we have. Making difficult choices gives us a chance to grow, to distinguish ourselves, and to create value in our lives. And ultimately, it’s those moments of challenge and triumph that define who we are, and what we’re capable of achieving.

No, everything will never be easy, but that’s the point, isn’t it?

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier.

Jim Rohn

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector