That’s Just How It Works

Humans are wired for comfort. Almost everyone enjoys it when things in their life are predictable, when what’s going on around us follows a well-worn path. That’s not to say that we don’t enjoy the occasional surprise, but we’re quite content when our lives play out exactly like we expect. There’s comfort in familiarity. We know what’s going to happen …

(Why are We) Just Getting By

We all have important things to do in our lives, both in our business and our personal lives. Some of these things are very important to us, like renewing a business license, getting exercise or visiting a sick relative/friend. And some things are much less important, but much more desirable, such as going to a sporting event or binge-watching our …

All the Luck in the World

We’ve all been there: at the start of something new. Whether it’s starting a new business idea, starting a new relationship or starting a new exercise program, we’ve all been at the beginning. The beginning is always an exciting time, filled with wonder and expectations. There are an unlimited number of possibilities; anything and everything can happen to us at …