Being a Professional Home Inspector can be a rewarding experience. As we’re not confined to an office, we get to experience a good bit of variety (sometimes too much…) in our job every day. We’re not locked into working with the same 17 people day after day and get to meet a wide range of individuals and deal with a …
Facts About Aluminum Wiring
One item that is sure to cause concern during an inspection is the presence of aluminum wiring in the home. This paper will attempt to provide some additional information on the subject of aluminum wiring. HISTORY Since the advent of powering our homes with electricity, wiring has traditionally been copper. In the mid 1960’s, as the price of copper rose, …
Electrical Inspection: Proper Wire Sizing
Most home inspection standards require inspectors to inspect branch circuit conductors (wires) and overcurrent devices (fuses and breakers) and to determine that they are compatible (wires are sized correctly for their respective fuses/breakers). This paper is intended to be a basic explanation of how home inspectors can make this determination during their (visual) inspection. Most residential houses in the US …