While a good percentage of our lives are spent working (probably too high a percentage), we all have things that we enjoy doing when we’re not at work. Hobbies, pastimes, interests, or diversions; whatever we call them, we all enjoy a little downtime every now and then. Whether they involve time with people we love or time alone to ourselves, …
Am I Doing My Job or Am I Working?
It can be said that what we do for a living can be described in two different ways: what our job is and the work that we do. While those two words can, and often are, used interchangeably, that doesn’t mean they represent the exact same thing. Being a home inspector may be our job, we identify deficiencies and potential …
Is There a Shortcut to Success?
Practice makes perfect. We’ve all heard that old axiom. As a child, we probably heard it enough from our parents to make us sick. But, like most old sayings, it was grounded in truth. Think back to your childhood, to any skill that your parents forced you to learn. Would you have ever achieved any level of proficiency without the …
What Happens vs. What I Want to Happen. What’s The Difference?
Think about that appointment that’s on your schedule for tomorrow. The inspection that’s been on there for the past five days. You know, the one with the big, nasty house that you’ve been dreading. Yeah, that’s the one. What if, instead of being that P.O.S. house, that appointment was the final interview for a really great job. A …
The Dreaded Question
I am a Professional Home Inspector, which is a pretty cool job. I get to help people for a living. So, I do my best to make sure that my clients’ needs are met. This typically involves answering questions about the house they’re considering buying, as well as the occasional question about the home-buying process. While inspectors typically answer the same …
Everyone Loves a Field Trip
Like many of you, I am blessed with the job of being a parent. Like most jobs, its got its ups and downs, Sometimes it’s the best thing in the world, and other times I can’t imagine why anyone would choose to subject themselves to such torture! (Sounds just like a real job, doesn’t it!) Lately, one of the rougher …