One of Your Most Important Documents

Running a small business as a home inspector can be a wonderfully rewarding experience. It’s a unique job that has a lot of perks. We get to be in a different place every day, and not stuck in the same cubicle next to “Gum-smacking Sally.” We get to interact with different people every day, not forced to attend yet another …


Wouldn’t it be great if everyone you dealt with in your businesses (and your life) saw things from your point of view? Whenever there was a problem, you would talk it out, they would quickly see things your way and the issue would miraculously disappear! Unfortunately, that’s not the way that things work in the real world. You are certain …

Easy Steps to Make Your (Business) Life Less Stressful

Recently, I was writing some information for a website, creating some FAQ’s about the home inspection process. The article was intended to explain to potential home buyers the importance of getting a copy of the Standards that their home inspector adheres to during their inspection process. I explained that this document outlines exactly what the home inspector was and was not going …

This Post is Open to Interpretation. An Ounce of Prevention is the Cure

Interpret.  The word is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary ( as “(deciding) what the intended meaning of something is.”  And interpreting what you mean by the language in your business materials and inspection reports is what opposing attorneys do for a living.  So, what’s a small business owner to do?  Can you match wits with an experienced plaintiff’s attorney, in their natural …

What Are They Paying You For? Why More Information Is Better for Everyone.

Recently, I was doing some writing for a website, creating some FAQ’s about the home inspection process.  This particular FAQ was intended to explain to potential home buyers the importance of getting a copy of the Standards of Practice that their home inspector adheres to during their inspection process; that this document explains to them exactly what the home inspector …