We all fall into the same trap. We start something new: a new diet, a new relationship, a new job, or a new business venture, thinking that it’s going to be easy. Yes, we know that everyone else struggles with these same challenges; we hear about the failures from our friends, coworkers, and random associates on our social media channels.
But we’re not them.
They’re not us.
We’re different.
We’re better, faster, stronger, and smarter.
We know exactly what we’re doing.
We’ve got a fool-proof plan. We’re gonna skip the pain and move right to success.
We’re the best that’s ever been. A perpetual motion machine of progress.
Then it happens.
We realize that we don’t have all the answers. We’re not “all that and a bag of chips.” We’re amazed to find out that we suffer from the same problems as everyone else.
We’re short on time.
We lack adequate resources.
We need to learn more about the process.
We could use more help than we anticipated.
We can’t find the plans for that magical perpetual motion machine.
Then it sets in. We get angry because it’s not as easy as it appeared. We get frustrated because we can’t snap our fingers and have it finished. Maybe even depressed because we’re not as all-powerful as we thought we were. We’re in the same boat as all those other people that we were sure we going to crush.
Damn. Reality is a bitch. Real life sucks and hard work blows.
Crash and burn.
Instead of looking for an imaginary easy button that only exists in those silly commercials for that company whose name we can’t recall, what if we adjusted our expectations. What if we looked for a source of power to drive us through the crappy process of beginning; the start-up mode?
Maybe we’re just looking for a battery?
It’s not sexy; it’s not exciting; it’s never going to be touted as the solution to all your problems. It’s dull; it’s plain; it’s simple.
But it’s powerful. It’s the source of all the energy needed to get things moving. The power, the motivation, the source of our resilience.
The sooner we realize that there’s no magic easy button, the sooner we can get to work finding our battery.
We need to find the source of our power. Learn what it’s gonna take to get us through to the next level. What will we need to keep us motivated through the tough times?
Is it a financial goal? Maybe paying off our debt, saving for a vacation, or paying for our daughter’s college?
Maybe it’s fitting into that outfit before our high school reunion or getting into better shape so that we’ll just feel better.
Maybe it’s figuring out how to get enough clients to move our business to the next level, or simply enough clients to get our new business off the ground.
We’ve got to keep searching until we find our source of motivation. Keep looking: figure out what our battery is, recharge it as needed, and start moving in the right direction.
Power on.
This post is based on a blog post written by Seth Godin. For more info on Seth, visit http://seths.blog
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Thanks, Joe