The only thing that is ever sure in our lives, the only thing we know to be true, the only thing we can be 100% certain of is that there will always be change.
Everything and everyone changes. It’s inevitable.
And it was bound to happen, but I think I’ve had enough of being a home inspector. I’ve seen everything, done everything, and inspected everything.
I think it’s time for a change. So, this is it.
I’ve thought about it for quite a while now, and after selling my inspection business a few years ago, I finally decided it’s time for me to change careers.
I’ve always wanted to make the move, so I’ve finally decided to do it. I’ve been taking classes for a few months now and just passed my test, so I’m officially announcing that I’m giving up home inspection to become a Realtor!
Thanks for following me over all these years. I wish everyone good luck in the industry, and promise to keep in touch.
And I will be needing a home inspector, termite inspector, and video pipe inspector. So, please let me know if you’re available!

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