Loving Your Problem Clients…

It’s an unavoidable reality of owning a business: the problem customer. Arguably, even though we struggle with and (often) despise our problem customers, it can be said that they’re one of the most valuable assets that we can have in our business. So how, you may ask, can a problem customer be an asset? Consider your business career. It’s certain …

Getting That Certified Letter…

As business owners, we all certainly get more than our fair share of mail. From credit card offers to catalogs, business opportunities to bills, it never ends. Regardless of how much mail you get, there’s always one piece of correspondence that gets your heart beating a little bit faster: a certified letter. It’s amazing that something as simple as an …

The Power of Your Words

Words. They really are amazing things. Think about where we’d be without them. Obviously, you wouldn’t be reading this right now, which some people may argue would be a good thing… Though there is plenty of scientific debate on exactly when language began, one fact is certain: none of the amazing advances of humanity would be possible without language and …

Wiggle Room

Give the people what they want. It’s an often-repeated business mantra. It seems like a simple-enough way to run a successful business. Find out what your client is looking for and give it to them. You would think that every businessperson already knows that this is the key to running a business. But you’d be wrong. Just by doing this …

The Four-Letter Word

Code. It’s considered a “four-letter word” by some home inspectors, and the reason why we have building codes is often misunderstood. Code refers to the set of rules that specify the standards intended to (hopefully) guide the contractors who built the structure that you are now inspecting. The main purpose of codes is to provide construction guidelines that help to …