Enough To Go Around

It seems that no matter what type of business we’re in, there are going to be many different points of view on how to run that business. Some people are generous and believe that there’s enough customers out there to sustain everyone that’s willing to put serious effort into their business. Most people, unfortunately, operate under the belief that everything …

Story Time

If we take a moment and think back on our childhood, it’s quite likely that some of our most vivid memories take us back to story time. We often recall, in vivid detail, the tales told to us by people we admired: friends, family and mentors. These stories not only helped to educate us, but they also served to cement …

More or Less

We all must face that decision, sooner or later. No matter if we’re just starting out in business or have been grinding for longer than we care to remember, eventually we all come to a fork in the road; a choice on the journey that can have a lasting influence our future. This important decision may hit us right out …

Don’t Be Afraid to Try, Try Again

Growth should be the overriding goal of our business. Without (at least some) continued growth, our businesses will stagnate and die. We will be passed up by all our competitors that are growing and expanding the reach of their businesses. Without growth, without trying new things and making advancements in our knowledge and our methods, we fall behind everyone else. …

Just Give Me a Chance

When starting a new business, you’ve got plenty of things to worry about. There are lots of technical details to work out, from getting your tax id number to starting a bank account. But, often the most difficult thing to tackle is how to actually get the creative part going. Figuring out what you’re going to do, how you’re going …