My Shameless Plug

Marketing is a necessary evil for small business owners. It’s something that we need to do, but not something that most of us like to do. Most people get a bit uncomfortable when it comes time for self-promotion. And once we’ve been in business for a while, we start to think that we’ve already done all the marketing we need, …

All the Luck in the World

We’ve all been there: at the start of something new. Whether it’s starting a new business idea, starting a new relationship or starting a new exercise program, we’ve all been at the beginning. The beginning is always an exciting time, filled with wonder and expectations. There are an unlimited number of possibilities; anything and everything can happen to us at …

The Rules

It can be difficult to run a small business. It often seems like every waking moment (and some sleeping moments) are dedicated to doing something related to our business. Even when we’re not really “doing the work,” that part of the job where we’re directly earning income, there’s always something else to do. There’s always some other part of the …

The Pig Farm

One of the things that we constantly discuss in these articles is the need to continually educate yourself. Arguably, the worst thing that a business owner can do is to assume that they know everything there is to know about their business. Our world is constantly changing, and business and industry are no exception. Certainly, it’s in our best interest …

The Hard Part

Running a small business is a hard thing to do. I really don’t need to tell you that, because you already know. Also, a hard thing to swallow is the fact the majority of new small businesses fail. It’s inevitable. There’s always going to be a lot of starters. Starting is easy. Starting is exciting. Starting makes us feel powerful. …

The School of Hard Knocks

As I sit down to write this, it’s about a week before New Year, and like every other year, we’re overwhelmed with information about prepping ourselves to make the upcoming year our best ever! And who wouldn’t want to have their best year ever? The season always ushers in more commentary about how we should approach our lives (personal as …

Walking the Tightrope in your Business

Many years ago, before entertainment was available on demand in the palm of our hands, a traveling circus was considered to be one of the most enjoyable distractions available for middle-class families. I have many fond childhood memories of an evening’s enjoyment watching the various attractions presented under the big top. Without a doubt, one of my favorite performers was …