When I Have More Time

I’ll do it when I have more time; I’m just too busy right now. It’s likely that these are some of the most often uttered words in any language, especially from the mouths of small business owners. One of the biggest problems facing any entrepreneur is that there’s always more to do. It always seems like the to-do list expands …

3 Things

What am I supposed to do when this happens? When we’re running a business, that question is coming at us all the time. A client wants something different. Something breaks at the most inopportune time. An unusual situation comes up. An associate needs it done yesterday. It always happens at a bad time. It always piles on when we’re already …

(Why are We) Just Getting By

We all have important things to do in our lives, both in our business and our personal lives. Some of these things are very important to us, like renewing a business license, getting exercise or visiting a sick relative/friend. And some things are much less important, but much more desirable, such as going to a sporting event or binge-watching our …

Can You Smell the Rare Air?

If we stop to think about it, our industry, the home inspection industry, really hasn’t been around for a long time. Yes, as long as people have been buying houses, they were always getting a more knowledgeable party, usually a friend or older relative, to take a look around before they bought that new house. But having an industry, a …