Being consistent in everything we do is vitally important to the success of our business. Consistently showing up when we’re supposed to. Consistently producing content. Consistently meeting our deadlines. Consistently taking care of our business paperwork. Consistently marketing to our target market. Consistently reading and educating ourselves on our industry. If being consistent and following through is one of our …
Our Golden Ticket
It’s not an easy place to reach, but it should be somewhere we’re all searching for. Once we know our clients better than they know themselves, we understand their needs, their desires, and their fears, and we’re able to provide the answers to their questions before they even ask them, we’ve found the keys to the kingdom and can punch …
We all want to be better: a better person, a better leader, a better business owner. In order to meet these goals, we need to do a better job of paying attention to what’s going on around us. If we truly want to get better, just doing a good job on the task at hand isn’t going to be enough. …
Getting Feedback
We’re hardwired to look for approval and feedback from others. It’s build into our DNA. But we’ve got to make sure that we’re getting those opinions from the right source. We can’t let negative feedback from someone who’s just a bystander, someone who’s not invested in our life in any significant way, derail us from our goals. When we do, …
Figure out what’s working for your competition and then do that… It’s good advice that we’re often told when we start out in business. But we’ve got to remember that if we simply copy everything that our competitors are doing, then there’s no reason for someone to choose us instead of them. Yes, we can certainly copy what’s working. That’s …
We often find ourselves lost in the weeds, so fixated on the minor details of our day to day lives that we can loose sight of the bigger picture. We’re striving to be a better person. We’re struggling to become a better leader We’re working hard to have a successful business. We can’t argue that the minor details don’t matter, because …
A True Professional
An unbiased opinion. As professionals, that should be our priority. But it’s hard to remain neutral in a world where there are so many different, often competing interests, vying for our attention. Attempting to influence us. Working overtime to color our opinion. Trying to change our way of thinking. Endeavoring to modify our beliefs. And the more they stand to …
How Much Do I Charge?
What are we trying to do? What is it that we’re looking to accomplish? Do we even know why we’re doing this? Before we can worry about what to charge for our services, we’ve got to figure our what it is we’re doing. What is it that we’re looking to get out of our business? If we’re trying to raise …
Living in Our Own Little World
While owning your own home inspection business can be difficult, we do have one significant advantage over most other small business owners: we get to choose our customers! Now, you may be thinking “What the hell are you talking about? At this point, I’ll take any warm body that walks in the door holding out their credit card!” Granted, when …
Telling a Story
The price we charge for our services is always a sticky subject; one fraught with tension, anguish, and stress. We worry that if our prices are too high, we won’t get any customers, and if we’re too low, we’re leaving money on the table (and undervaluing our product). What we charge for our services, our price, is a story. A …