To Hell With Them

We often waste a lot of our valuable time worrying about what other people think. When it comes to our business model, we stress over what others have to say about what we’re doing. We should never worry about what other people think about our business model. The only person we need to satisfy is ourselves. If it’s working for …

Nothing New

There are really no unique home inspections. For the most part, an inspection is an inspection. There’s only so many ways you can inspect a property and only so many ways you can write up what you find. There’s a list of things you have to check and a list of things you have to write down. Some people may …

It’s Our Choice

It’s a choice that all small business owners have to make: Are we in business to serve our clients, or to have them (and their wallets) served up to us? Do we focus on serving others or serving our own selfish motives? It’s really not that difficult to decide, it just depends on where our loyalties lie; on building a …

Not So Much

How we make our clients feel matters more than ever. It used to be that one dissatisfied customer was just that, one customer. It’s likely that they complained to us, but that was the end of it. Not so much anymore. Now, everyone has access to social media and can broadcast their feelings to everyone else (regardless of whether or …

Something Worth Talking About

We think it will eventually go away, but it won’t. Those bad reviews will always be there, somewhere, as long as someone is smart enough to know where to dig. So why risk it? Wouldn’t it better to just give them something worth talking about in the first place? You are only as good as your last review. Jason Ohrum

Waiting for Clients

We all hate waiting. Waiting on hold. Waiting in line. Waiting for that package to be delivered. We all hate it. So, why do we make our potential clients wait? There’s too much competition out there, chomping at the bit for an opening to appear so that they can jump in and steal away our customers. Think you’re time is …


We’re all storytellers. It’s what we do. Those of us that succeed only have to do a few things right. If I’m not mistaken, that’s called marketing your business. And it all starts with a story.

Are You Just Good Enough?

In today’s marketplace, it’s all too easy to be just good enough. It’s what almost everyone else is doing. But nobody goes out of their way to pick the vendor that’s just good enough. Real clients, the kind that know what they want, want what they get, and happily pay for it, are looking for something better than just good …

Clueless Clients

We’ve expended a lot of energy to get to where we are. It’s likely that we’ve sat through lots of hours of education. It’s likely that we’ve spent a lot of time and money perfecting our product. It’s likely that we’ve suffered through many negative experiences to gain our skills. It’s likely that we’ve been hurt physically, emotionally, and financially …

Get to It

The whole of our business is based on one simply principle: giving our clients something that they want but don’t currently have. We have it (whatever that “it” is) and they want it. Seems simple enough. But it isn’t, is it? The hard part (why is there always a hard part?) is figuring out how to let them know that …