It’s All Marketing

Customer experience is the new marketing. Steve Cannon It’s easy to forget, but our customers come into contact with our brand in a myriad of ways. Our website, emails, text messages, DMs, social media posts, physical marketing products, phone messages, and (especially) the product that we deliver. Our mark is all over everything we do. It’s not enough to simply …

Becoming a Dinosaur

Complacency. It can signify the end of a career. I was going to let you know what complacency means, but I really didn’t think I should have to look it up for you… The Cambridge dictionary defines complacency as “A feeling of calm satisfaction with your own abilities or situation that prevents you from trying harder.” This feeling is something …

Down to the Minutia

We see it all around us: some businesses flourish while others flounder. Some people are successful in their endeavors while others languish in mediocrity. Is there some secret sauce one side knows about that the other side just can’t seem to figure out? Not really. Most of the time, it comes down to the details; paying attention to the little …

The Mouse is Wise

I am currently reading “Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service (The Disney Institute Leadership Series)” by Theodore B. Kinni. The book talks a lot about how Disney uses setting to please and satisfy their customers. They make sure that every aspect of the client’s experience is maximized to communicate the fact that the customer is the most …

Being a Conductor

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Most customers, like most people we meet, are pretty easy to deal with. But, there’s always that one… Sometimes we come across that one person that makes us question our views on humanity. We’d like to give them a piece of our mind. Tell them what we think of them. Put them in …

Sausage, Anyone?

Most businesses do their best to present a clear, forward-facing image, keeping the behind-the-scenes stuff hidden away from their customers. (Think about Disney parks, where you never see any of the day to day operations; it’s all hidden from their guests’ view.) Ironically enough, some of our clients want to peek behind the curtain, to see how the sausage is …

Choosing Your Customers

Without a doubt, the most important thing we need to do when starting our business is determining who’s going to be our clientele. Sure, all the other things we’ve got to do are important, but without clients paying us for our product, none of that other stuff matters. No clients; no business. While we’d all love to count everyone as …

Eating Elephants

Big goals. We’ve all got them, but we’re often so overwhelmed by the enormity of our aspirations that we fold under the pressure. We stress out over the number of things that we need to get done, a seemingly endless to-do list, and we buckle under the weight of our tasks. I’ll never be able to get all this finished… …

Hard Work

Talent is something we’re born with… Skill is earned. Seth Godin Some people are born with a specific talent, and they are able to perform at a higher level than others without even breaking a sweat. For the rest of us, we’ve got to work at it. Whatever it is we’re doing, we can get better at it by doing …


We’ve all heard some version of the saying “It’s the little things in life that make it worth living.” We can certainly bend this adage a bit to suit our needs, changing it to “It’s the little things you do for your customers that allow your business to keep living.” While doing some small, fairly insignificant thing for a client …