Pricing what we do is a business decision that’s fraught with anxiety. What if I charge too much? Will people be willing to pay for what I do? What if I charge too little? What about how much my competitors are charging? For the most part, what we charge for our services doesn’t matter. Most people aren’t looking to see …
Love It or Not
Do we still love what it is we do? It’s a question that, eventually, we’ll all face. If our answer is “no”, then we’ve got to decide what we’re going to do about it. If what we do is still paying the bills, so to speak, then the answer might not be to do something different. The answer may be …
Going for the Win
Starting out in any new venture can be tough. We see all these successful people doing all kinds of different things. We’ve been taught to look to those people who are industry leaders and copy the things that they’re doing, but how are we supposed to know which things to copy? We can’t do everything they’re doing. We’re new to …
That’s Just How It Works
While no one can know the future, it sure seems like we’re coming up on some hard times. Signs are indicating that things will get worse before they get better, and there’s little anyone can do but wait to reach the other side. Everything about life is cyclical. Ups and downs; highs and lows; bulls and bears; peaks and valleys. …
What They’re Paying Us For
Depending on what we do for a living, some of us provide our customers with good news while others deliver bad. Think about the car salesman: I’ve got great news! We’ve got that one on the lot and you can drive it home today! Compare that with the auto mechanic: It’s not good. We’re going to have to rebuild the …
Exactly the Same
We’re always being told that we should learn from others. Find a mentor. Emulate a successful person in your field. Follow in the footsteps of greatness. Learn from someone else’s mistakes so you don’t make your own. Unfortunately, those lessons never really line up with our situation, do they? There’s no book with our problem outlined for us in exactly …
Just Because We Can
Many of the people in our sphere (our friends, our coworkers, our competitors) are moving forward, doing what they need to do to get better. Whether it’s officially going back to school to finish that degree, learning something new from a book or an online class, or upgrading the things they use in their business, they’re putting themselves out there …
What We Really Need
Complaining. It’s easy to do. We all do it at some time or another. “They didn’t do this” or “They should have done that” or “I can’t believe they’re not doing it this way; it’s what we all want.” It’s easy to complain. All we have to do is talk (or type) and we’re done. The hard part is actually …
Attendance is Easy
In most professional fields, we’re required to take continuing education classes each year, with the intent of maintaining (or advancing) our knowledge of our chosen field. Most students sit through these mandatory sessions (hopefully awake), watching the proceedings as if they were watching a new episode on Netflix. They’re in the class, not because they want to learn something, but …
Freaking Out
We’d all like to be able to control everything; to have complete command over every aspect of our day. But, alas, that dream’s never coming true. So we can’t dictate everything that happens in our universe; so what? Do we let a perceived lack of control ruin our outlook (and our lives)? What if, instead of freaking out, we simply …