Starting a new venture is difficult. We’re trying our best to garner clients, but all too often we’re just not sure how to do it. Do we cast a wide net, trying to reach every single person that we can? Or do we narrow our focus down with pinpoint accuracy, zooming in on that one big prize, that one lead …
Hanging a Picture
In many situations, a leaky roof is worse than no roof at all. If there’s no roof, we’re not surprised or disappointed if we get hit with some raindrops. But a roof that leaks has raised expectations and then failed to meet them. Promising us a roof and then breaking that promise might be worse than no roof at all. …
Making the Effort
Things are changing so fast nowadays that it can be difficult to keep up. Every day, it seems, there’s a new phone, a new app, a new social media channel. Some new technology that’s just begging for our attention. All this change can be overwhelming, especially for those of us that are “chronologically challenged” (i.e.: old). So, all too often, …
My Own Destiny
Hollywood has taught us that we will have a handful of defining moments throughout our lives. Inflection points; crossroads; game changers; moments of truth; critical junctures where we need to make a seemingly difficult decision that has the power to alter the course of our lives. While we’re all certain to have moments like this throughout our time on this …
Wasting Time, Naturally
We waste a lot of time. It’s unfortunate, but (for most of us) we can chalk it up to human nature. Very few people are wired to be full-on, 100% of the time. If you’re one of those rare people, congratulations. You have my admiration (and some envy thrown in there too). For the rest of us, wasting time comes …
Practice (Doesn’t) Make Perfect
Practice makes perfect. Benjamin Franklin We’re driven to try to produce a perfect product. We want the thing we do, sell, or provide to be picture-perfect, and we’re disappointed when it’s not. What if we stopped for a moment to think about this? We’re human. We’re not perfect. What makes us think that anything we produce will ever achieve perfection? …
A Slave to Our Routines
We are all slaves to our routines. We wake at the same time (most) every day. We follow the same bathroom routine, same morning routine, same breakfast routine, same route for our commute. We do the same job, (generally) talk to the same people, solve the same problems, following the same well-worn path to our evening where we eat the …
Losing Trust
Oftentimes in life (and in business) we’re faced with a situation where we’re just not sure how things are supposed to go. Either we’ve never experienced these particular circumstances before or our understanding of them is so limited that we’re in no position to offer a strong position. It’s at this point that we’re faced with a choice: do we …
That’s the Fact, Jack
Conspiracy theories are all the rage right now. People love them. They prey on our need to easily understand things in a difficult-to-understand world. They often (but not always) contain some semblance of fact, but not enough that they can be proven to be true. And the people that believe in them don’t care whether or not they’re legitimate, they’re …
Heavy Lifting
We all love to offer our opinion on someone else’s work. We’ve got no problem telling people what we think. We’re eager to put in our two cents. Nobody, on the other hand, is willing to do the hard work of building something for you from scratch. Ask for help creating that new product and we’ve likely to get nothing …