We all make mistakes, all the time. We’re human; it’s part of the job description. If everyone already knows that mistakes are going to happen, that they’re inevitable, why is it so difficult for us to admit when we’ve made one? Why do we try so hard to deflect blame, to sidestep responsibility, to avoid being held accountable? If, for …
Hitting the Target
Most of us spend a lot of time frustrated by our lack of progress. We wonder why we haven’t gotten more things done, racked up a greater number of wins, or significantly expanded our list of accomplishments. At one point or another, we’ve all felt the stress of underachievement. But all too often, our frustration is misplaced. Instead of stressing …
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead The worst thing we can do is to forget that everyone is different. None of our clients come to us with our knowledge. They don’t know what we know. If they did, then they wouldn’t need us, would they? They’re hiring us because we know something that …
Doing It Better
In every walk of life, there are people who take the easy way out. In politics, in sports, in business, and in personal relationships. Shortcuts are everywhere. When we take the easy way out, we’re giving in. We’re saying that we’re not good enough to compete on an even playing field, so we’re going to bend the rules a bit …
Follow the Path
It’s always wonderful when things turn out exactly the way we expected. Get in, get out, done, finished, another job well done! But that’s hardly the norm, is it? Usually, we’re trying to figure out where it all went wrong. What did we do that landed us in our current situation: aggravated, frustrated, and tired? I know it sounds crazy, …
Posing Not Required
Whenever someone is about to take a picture of us (which seems to happen way too much nowadays), we almost always stop what we’re doing and pose. We’re trying to act a certain way, which is often intended to mimic our normal state. We unnaturally position ourselves so that we look as natural as possible. When we put it like …
Waving Your Magic Wand
We spend way too much time waiting for our endeavors to pay off. Just because we’ve decided to do something doesn’t mean that it’s automatically going to work. We can’t just simply wave a magic wand and start reaping the benefits. We’ve got to put in the work. Our world doesn’t simply give things to us. It only gives back.
Good or Bad
We’re all constantly coming up with new ideas. We think that they’re good ones, but, really, how will we ever know? The problem is, that for most of us they remain just that: ideas. We keep them relegated to the safety of our imagination. We’re too afraid, too intimidated, or too overwhelmed to try them out. Without actually putting our …
Do We Love What We Do?
Do we really love what we do for a living? If we do, then we transform from just being a person with a job into something akin to being an artist. We get to create something beautiful every day of our career. What if we don’t love what we do? Then we’re not creating; we’re just working. We’re simply earning …
I’ll Get To It
We’ve got more time-saving tips, tricks, and hacks available than ever before. A minute here, an hour there; we’re saving more time now than at any point in history! With all this extra time we’re saving, it seems like we’d be rolling in it, with enough extra hours in the day to check off all those wish list items we’ve …