If you own a small business, you are well acquainted with marketing, and depending on your persuasion, you either love it or hate it. Regardless of your feelings, positive or negative, marketing is an important part of your overall business strategy. Market well and you’ll likely be doing it for a long time. Fail to do it well and eventually …
Intelligence and Wisdom
The list of cool, hi-tech home inspection tools (toys?) seems to be growing every day. IR cameras, crawlspace robots, drones, 360 cameras; the list goes on and on. With all this amazing technology, it seems like anyone could be an inspector. And they can. In most states, the requirements are slim for individuals looking to get into the home inspection …
Every Day Choices
Choices. We’re all faced with them. Every day. In fact, we could say that life is nothing more than a stream of never-ending choices, one right after the other. Day in and day out, season after season, year after year, the reality is that we’re not doing much more than making choices. We do this or we do that. Sometimes …
What Are We Waiting For?
Humans are unique beings; in that we’ve evolved to have consciousness. We can think about the past, present, and future and (usually) react accordingly towards them. It seems, however, that many of us are particularly drawn to looking back. We spend a good bit of time inside our own head, reminiscing, thinking back to some point in our past. We …
Just Skating By
Just skating by. It’s an old phrase, and we all seem to have some understanding of what it implies. It’s when someone does exactly what they need to do to get by – whether in school, the workplace, or in their personal life – and nothing more. This is what’s required, so that’s what I’m giving. You give what you …
Their Problem Score
As small business owners, we all have a love/hate relationship with our clients. Obviously, we love when clients are paying money for our services, which (ultimately) pays for everything that we enjoy in life: food, shelter, transportation, vacations, and that new 85” 4K ultra-high-def TV. But we hate it when some of those same clients turn into vile-spewing demons, bent …
The New Real Estate Law and Home Inspectors
Change. It’s a pretty mysterious word. It could mean that something good is coming, and it could mean something entirely different. We’ve all heard the old axioms about changing for the better, but we still get that twinge of fear when faced with changing something that we do. Many of us don’t like change, but that doesn’t stop it from …
Can I Keep Growing?
People stay where they grow. Seth Godin As I was driving home from an inspection the other day, I heard this quote in a podcast featuring marketing guru Seth Godin. During the conversation, the host asked Seth his opinion on the current situation in employment, where it seems almost impossible for businesses to retain employees. While managing employees is a …
How Are We Perceived?
Don’t fight perceptions with facts. Perceptions will always win. Authors Al Ries & Jack Trout, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind Perceptions. While defined as a belief or opinion based on how things seem, for our purposes, perceptions can be described as how our clients (and potential clients) view us and our company. It’s the end result of the image …
Why We Should Keep Asking
Starting up any new small business is a difficult task, and running a home inspection company is no exception. Far too often, people trying to get a new business off the ground end up going under. They eventually close their business, the very thing they believed was going to rescue them from a life of mediocrity. They tried their hardest, …