Getting a new business up and running can be a challenge. Copying what other successful businesses are doing can be a useful shortcut for those just getting started. Just be aware that everyone else is doing the same thing. The key to successfully implementing this strategy is to figure out something useful from another industry and migrating that idea (heretofore unknown …
Top of the Food Chain
Too many new entrepreneurs use cheap pricing as the sole driver of their business. Doing so presents a whole host of problems. Among them are the need to sell more products to meet our revenue goal, which means more clients to manage than our higher priced competitors. Lower pricing attracts lower quality customers, inviting more problems for us to deal with, …
Choose Wisely
Customers are the lifeblood of our business and we should choose them wisely. If we decide to do business with just any potential client, then we shouldn’t be upset when we’re faced with a less than stellar customer base. We should be working hard to make our customers part of an exclusive club, and they should know that they’re a part …
Why Stop Now?
When starting a business, we’re often forced to bootstrap our way forward. We’re usually limited on finances, so we do things the cheapest way possible. Doing things this way really isn’t a problem, until we reach a point where it is. (Hopefully) we will eventually reach a point in our business where we need to move past the startup mindset in order …
A New Year
Last year I was a (insert your profession here) who needed to learn more about what I do for a living. This year, same question. Same answer.
Setting the Tone
There are many definitions for the word “tone.” The one most important here comes from the Cambridge Dictionary: “a quality in the voice that expresses the speaker’s feelings or thoughts, often toward the person being spoken to…” The tone of our work, our product, our marketing, the clothes we wear, the vehicle we drive, the way we interact with our …
Arguing With Themselves
Change is scary; there’s no doubt about it. We’re often afraid of changing the way we do things, especially in our business. We think that we’ll cause an uproar; that everyone will be enraged and that we’ll cause a big stink. The reality is that it’s quite likely that most people won’t even notice. Most of us are so involved …
Worth Our While
Being in business can often prove frustrating. The people we’re working with often don’t know what we know (if they did, what would they need us for), and to make things even worse, even though they don’t know what we know, many of them don’t even care what we know. We could try to educate them, but really, what good …
The Whole Point
It’s hard to be different. When everyone else is doing the minimum, and you’re shooting for the stars, it’s easy to feel like a fool. People are going to call you out. Your competitors are going to laugh. Many potential clients are going to pass you by. Everyone will let you know that you’re not doing it like everyone else. …
The Easy Way Out
It’s easy to keep things on repeat; to keep doing the same thing we’ve always done. Doing it again is easy. Doing something different is hard. But, that’s life in a nutshell, isn’t it? Do we take the easy way out again and again, never going any further that we’ve gone before, or do we take a chance and do …