Following Rollo

Freedom does not come automatically; it is achieved. And it is not gained in a single bound; it must be achieved each day. Rollo May in Man’s Search for Himself This quote tells us that freedom is not given to us, it must be earned. Constantly. The same thing can be said of business success. Far too often, we chase …


All too often, we find ourselves distracted. Distracted by our massive to do list. Distracted by bright, shiny objects. Distracted by things that waste our important time. Distracted by the small stuff. Distracted by all the things we think we need to do. We have an amazing ability to forget everything important and become distracted by the trivial things that …

Giving Pause

Not everyone is going to agree with what they hear/read, but intelligent people keep listening and learning. 50% of the information will probably be pointless drivel. 40% of the information we’ll probably totally disagree with. The rest of the information is likely to give us pause. It’s likely to make us stop and think. Should I implement this new information …

Planning For Failure

If you want to be a man with no fear when the crisis comes, train before it comes. Seneca No matter how long we’ve been working, how good we are at our jobs, or how many times we’ve done this before, we’re all going to end up having problems. It’s inevitable. Like the song says, troubles gonna come my way. …

Hard, Is It Not

Yes, it’s hard. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. But that doesn’t make it any easier. Yes, it’s hard. We already knew it would be hard, didn’t we? But that doesn’t make it any easier. Yes, it’s hard. That’s why we’re doing it, isn’t it? But that doesn’t make it any easier. The difference between winning and …


“So you can zero in on what you did wrong, or you can reframe the experience in a way that focuses beyond it to what you have learned. There are multiple meanings to any experience. The meaning is whatever you choose to emphasize, just as its content is what you choose to focus on. One of the keys to success …

It’s Time, Again

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Thomas H. Palmer If we’re not getting the results that we want… If we never seem to be able to break through… If we start to feel like we’re in a rut… If we’re constantly having problems with our clients… If we seem to be running up against the same issues …


No matter how many times we do things right, no matter how many of our clients are happy, no matter how many 5-star reviews we get, we’re still dismayed when a customer complains. For most people, it’s natural to want to be liked, but we’ve got to remember that we can’t please everybody. Some people are going to be upset, …

How Much Do We Pay

It’s not something that we often think about (because we’re too busy to stop and ponder life), but we are obviously products of our era and everything we do is optimized for speed. We try desperately to finish everything on our to do list as quickly as possible. So we can move onto the next thing. And while our weekly …

Pick Me! Pick Me!

In a world where there’s so many choices, how do we get people to choose us? In seconds, and only a few clicks away, they’ve got dozens (hundreds?) of competitors to choose from, often at a cheaper price than us. How can we compete with that? We can’t. So why try? In his book Meatball Sundae, author Seth Godin tells …