Persistence is an often underrated trait. Quite often, the win doesn’t go to the business owner who’s the most talented, best looking, or incredibly crafty at marketing. It goes to the person who never gives up. Who, even when things look the worst, just keeps on going. Nike tells us to “just do it”, but “just keep doing it” may …
What We’ve Always Gotten
Many small business owners are hesitant to initiate change. They reason, “If what I’m already doing is working, why should I do anything else?” It’s a “don’t upset the apple cart” mindset, so to speak. But if we keep on doing the same thing we’ve always done, what makes us think that we’re going to get anything different from what …
Trust Through Association
If we’re working in a service based business, we’re in a unique position. We’re not offering a product that our clients can touch, see, or feel. We’re offering an asset that, though not a physical product, our clients want and need to maneuver through a seemingly difficult step in the process of their lives. Not surprisingly, trust is one of …
Plain and Simple
Could the key to running a successful business be boiled down to just one simple statement? How about this one, from Seth Godin: Make promises, keep them, avoid surprises. That’s what most people want. Just about says it all.
Who’s to Blame
It’s easy for us to blame the customer. Maybe they didn’t read the emails. Maybe they don’t understand what we’re trying to tell them. Maybe they can’t be bothered to actually follow instructions. But is it all their fault? Maybe if we were just a little bit better at our job, none of this would have happened.
Something In Our Imagination
We are all very good at something. It may not be exactly what we need to succeed in our business, but it’s something. With enough imagination, it’s likely we can use that something to our advantage. All it takes is for us to do something better than the next person for us to stand out. Isn’t that something?
Squandering It Away
We’re constantly presented with different opportunities to spend/waste our time: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, going down the rabbit hole that is Google, and on and on. With so many businesses vying for our focus (so they can make money off us), we could say that our attention is now more valuable than it has ever been in the history …
Our Only Choice
We all get a bit jealous when we see someone that’s had success in our chosen industry. We think about all the luck that they must’ve had to end up in their current position, and wonder why we haven’t been afforded the same breaks. Even if it was serendipity that put them where they are now, it’s quite certain that …
Don’t Have a Clue
Lots of people are satisfied with just doing their job. It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s usually painless, and it doesn’t involve a lot of extra effort. Click the boxes, collect our fee, and move on to the next one. “It’s all I’m required to do” is a commonly heard refrain. Good enough to get by is another way of saying …
Our Reason
Yes, the first one to market often has an advantage. It’s common sense: if they’re delivering a product before anyone else is, they’re going to get the business. But that doesn’t mean there’s no place for competition. Henry Ford created the first automobile that the average person could afford, and he sold a lot of cars. But his company isn’t …