Ride the Wave. Sailing to a successful business

                I hope that today’s post finds everyone doing well.  While I am writing this post, I am sitting in my local tire store, waiting for some new tires to be put on my home inspection vehicle.  The previous set of tires helped me to develop a profitable business, so I hope that this next set will prove to be …

Smile. A simple action with amazing results.

                I hope that today’s post finds everyone happy, healthy and wearing a smile.  As a matter of fact, smiling will be the topic of today’s conversation.  I recently listened to a TED Talk podcast given by Ron Gutman. Ron is a speaker, writer, advisor, entrepreneur, angel investor and CEO and Founder of Health Tap, an interactive health company.  In …

Its as easy as 1-2-3. Managing our focus.

One problem facing start-ups is how to become proficient in your chosen industry. This is certainly a problem for new home inspectors. In business, as with many things in our lives, we typically strive to create a perfect product before we put it out for public consumption. Unfortunately, the reality is that nothing in this world is ever perfect. So, if we are …

Facts About Aluminum Wiring

One item that is sure to cause concern during an inspection is the presence of aluminum wiring in the home.  This paper will attempt to provide some additional information on the subject of aluminum wiring. HISTORY Since the advent of powering our homes with electricity, wiring has traditionally been copper.  In the mid 1960’s, as the price of copper rose, …

Electrical Inspection: Proper Wire Sizing

Most home inspection standards require inspectors to inspect branch circuit conductors (wires) and overcurrent devices (fuses and breakers) and to determine that they are compatible (wires are sized correctly for their respective fuses/breakers). This paper is intended to be a basic explanation of how home inspectors can make this determination during their (visual) inspection. Most residential houses in the US …

Building a Better Mouse Trap

We will start today’s post with an old phrase that has been attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century essayist, lecturer and poet. It says that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. This is taken to mean that if we do something better than all our competitors, then we can’t help …

Electrical Inspection: Voltage and Amperage

  Most home inspection standards require inspectors to determine and report on the voltage and amperage supplied to the home. This is intended to be a basic explanation of how home inspectors can make this determination during their (visual) inspection.   Most residential houses in the US are 120V/240V single phase systems. While you may see it written as 110/115/120/125V …