Dotting the “I’s”

There are many great things about working as a home inspector. We get to be in a different place every day, never stuck inside the same cubicle day after day. We get to see many different kinds of houses and all different types of people. For the most part, everyone we deal with is in a happy place, either moving …

Growing Pains

It’s a good problem to have, but it’s still a problem: deciding when (and if) we should grow our business. Hopefully it’s an issue that each of us will have to confront sometime in our future. Having to face this question means that we’ve been successful in our industry, but that doesn’t make the choice any easier. It’s still something …

It Was Just a Mistake

Mistakes are inevitable. We’re all human. None of us are perfect, and that means that, sometimes, we’re going to make mistakes. In our jobs, in our business, in our personal lives. Mistakes are going to happen. Making mistakes is part of life. We learn our most important lessons from the errors that we’ve make along the way. There is no …

Old Habits Die Hard

Some things seem to stick around forever. “That’s how it’s always been done” is the comment we hear all the time. We make strides in many areas of our lives, constantly adapting to changes and advancing our methods and procedures to remain competitive in an ever-changing world. But somehow there are those certain things that we can’t seem to part …