High Dollar Clients

When we finally get the call, from that heavy hitter agent we’ve been hoping to get, things start to get a little bit crazy. We pay more attention to the details, making sure that we’ve got all the information we need to get the inspection scheduled. We double-check things the night before, verifying that we’re primed and ready to go. We get there a little earlier than usual, in order to be sure that we’re the one waiting and not the agent. We put a bit more thought into the inspection process, working hard to ensure that nothing gets by us and that there are no glaring errors on our end. We read over the completed report one last time before we send it, making sure that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.

proofreading an inspection report

This is our big opportunity, a chance to make a great first impression. We’re going to do everything in our power to put on a good show. After all, we’ve been courting this agent for a while now and we’re leaving nothing to chance. We go all-in with an attempt to add this important client to our list.

It sounds like all this extra stuff would be a lot of work, but it’s really not. We’re actually a bit pumped up, excited for the opportunity. Having a chance to fulfil a dream (getting this high-dollar agent into the fold) has energized us, waking us from our everyday routine and filling us with excitement.

It just takes that one…

We’ve got a chance here to make a great impression, so let’s not blow it.

Turn up the lights and raise the curtain, it’s time for the show!

While it’s great that we’re this enthusiastic about landing a new agent, what if we could capture that fire and passion and use it every day? What if we could be motivated enough to treat every client like they’re the most important one we’re ever going to have? What if we rolled out the red carpet for everyone, no matter how “high-dollar” they were?

high dollar home inspection clients

It’s crazy to think about, but what if we treated every client the same, as if there were each our most valuable customer?

I wonder how far something that simple could take us toward our fulfilling our dreams?

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector