I hope this brief note finds everyone healthy, happy, and busy. Today’s post is going to be a bit different from my regular offering.
I’ve been posting weekly articles about being a professional home inspector since February 2017, and I hope that you’ve been enjoying my take on our profession. I know that you probably haven’t agreed with everything I’ve written, but I hope that I’ve at least spurred some thought and discussion on these topics.
I’ve gotten quite comfortable in my current routine of weekly postings, and things have been working well. On the surface, that sounds like a great thing: I’m comfortable and working without too much stress. But, looking at it another way, it could be thought of as being in a rut. Doing the same thing, over and over again, without much variety in my routine.
One of my goals for this year has been to try to shake things up a bit. I’ve been running on auto-pilot for quite a while now, both personally and professionally, and to be quite honest, I think I’ve gotten bored. Most of you know that I sold off my home inspection franchise at the start of 2021 with the hopes of dedicating more of my time to advancing our industry. And while I’m still doing inspections, I’m no where near as slammed as I was while running a multi-inspector firm (and much happier for it).
In the same vein of shaking things up, I’ve decided to try something different with the website. I’m going to attempt to change to a daily blogging format. While this will certainly mean more work for me, I think that the challenge of writing more will (hopefully) make me a better blogger.
In the future, my posts will be shorter and more timely (and hopefully easier to read). My plan is to simply comment on things that I notice while doing my job. I still plan on doing some long-format writing for the website, and hope to even produce a book or two in the future, but I’m going to try to change up the tenor of these post.
I appreciate your readership over these years, and hope that this new venture will prove to be helpful to you (as well as me). Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or complaints. I’m always glad to help out a fellow inspector!
The better we each are, the better we all are.
Thanks, Joe