6-Hour Saturday Live CE Class

Need to get some live CE hours?

Tired of the same boring CE class with a bunch of old guys arguing about who’s the best inspector?

Looking for something new and exciting?

Then join us for our next 6-hour LSBHI approved CE Class in the Baton Rouge area!

In this class we’re going to do a deep dive on Air Conditioning. What it does, how it works, what we need to inspect and report on, and the good and bad of going beyond the standards.

Ducted central systems, ductless mini splits, package units, and more. Everything you ever wanted to know about AC but were afraid to ask!

And we’ll also have new and improved prizes for the highest scoring inspectors, including, but not limited to, free CE!

Whew! That’s a lot for just one class!

If you’ve got inspection questions that you’d like to discuss during this class,
please email us at: Joe@AmericanInspectionAcademy.com.

Tired of the old, grumpy guys CE class?

Grab your thinking cap, some coffee and a donut (or two) and get ready for some deep discussion about our industry. In this class, we’ll cover a lot of ground, focusing on how these things impact our inspections. Feel free to chime in with your own ideas and/or your own trials and tribulations.

This class will be held on Saturday 2024.09.14 from 8:00AM – 2:00PM
at the board office in Baton Rouge.

There will be coffee, donuts, fruit, nuts, and healthy snacks available for breakfast, and we will have pizza, chips, and soda for lunch.

There will be a live, interactive test (taken on your smart-phone) at the end of class.

The student that scores the highest on the test will get their money back for the class!

This is not your grandpa’s CE class.

Take an interest in your profession and join us for some real education!

If you have any specific questions that you’d like to see covered during this class (or future classes), send them to Joe@AmericanInspectionAcademy.com.

American Inspection Academy.

Professional Education for Professional Inspectors.


Saturday Sept 14, 2024
8:00 AM – 2:00PM CST


LSBHI Board Office
5211 Essen Lane, Suite #9
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
(Driving directions)


Join us for this 6-hour Home Inspection CE Class at the LSBHI board office in Baton Rouge and contribute to the discussion about the inspection industry.

And don’t forget about the upcoming SOP and Report Writing Class on
Friday Sept 13 at the board office.

You can get another 6 hours of CE credit for attending the RW Class!

Would you like to get an email every Friday where we share the newest things we’ve discovered about home inspections? CLICK HERE to sign up.

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Thanks, Joe

pic of me, Joseph Cook Jr, home inspector